Introduction Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

AdminMatic offers a variety of features that can be used in the office or on the go, via our App. Create and manage customers, employees, vendors, tangible items and more in a simple format that is easy to access, use and maintain. Generate job leads, contracts, work orders and invoices all from real-time data entry while in the field by your employees. Upload images for future reference and share your work load with customers through the customer portal. Use our Reports page to analyze your business's performance, work load or other data with various filters, all customizable by you!

Adminmatic's work flow is based on four entity types for tracking a job. As a job progresses, the next step in the chain will be created and the job will evolve from a lead collected in the field all the way to an invoice for the completed job.

Adminmatic work flow diagram

Signing Up

Settle for as much as your business needs - try 60 days for free! After the 60 day trial, Adminmatic costs $50.00 per month and only charges $10.00 for each additional employee.

Getting Started Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

Importing Data

Quickbooks Enterprise (Windows)

To get started with Quickbooks desktop you will need the email sent upon registering, this contains the .qwc file and username/password required to set up the Web Connector.

Once you have downloaded and installed the web connector you will need to add an application using the .qwc file provided in your welcome email. To do this you will need to open the "File" menu in the top left corner of the Web Connector application and select the first option "Add an Application". It will prompt you to select a .qwc file and you should select the one downloaded from your welcome email. Once it has been added you will need to provide the password which is also included in the welcome email.

If all is successful you should reach the following state:

Web Connector Success

To manually control syncs between Quickbooks and your Adminmatic control panel you can disable the "Auto-Run" setting. We recommend leaving it set to run automatically with a 5 minute duration between syncs. Setting this number below 2 minutes can result in slower sync performance if usage is high.

Once your first sync has been initiated it will need to import all of the data from your Quickbooks company file that is used by our system. This can take up to one hour for large company files, we recommend you don't use the control panel until it has fully completed this process.

Once the connector indicated that the sync has been completed you can login to the control panel and you should see your data (Customers, Employees, Items, Invoices). If data is missing you may need to run the sync again or wait until it has fully completed the import process.

Customers Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

Your clienteles' information is readily accessible through our Customer page. Important contact information and preferences, property details, images and stacked services are all available and can be edited here. This page can also be viewed by the customer via the Customer Portal. You can link multiple addresses/accounts for ease of use. Customers can be filtered by name, job site or billing address. To change the search filter between job site and billing address, use the "Settings" menu located at the bottom left corner of the Customers page.

Create New Customer

To add a customer, select the "Create New Customer" button on the bottom left corner of the Customer page.
A window will pop up to enter in the customer's information. AdminMatic will generate a System Name for the customer. If the name already exists, you will not be able to move forward.

AdminMatic new customer

Names must be unique for each customer, which helps reduce duplicate entries. If a customer has multiple accounts, we recommend using a unique description after the customer's name (ex: Allen, Bob (Kay St)).

The job site address will reference the location where the customer's work will be done. The billing address is the mailing address and will populate on any invoices created for the customer.

There are a variety of other settings that are created in this window:

  • Geographic Zone (see Company for additional information): The region a job site is location in
  • Payment Settings: Preferred Method of payment (Cash/Check or Credit Card)
  • Marketing Settings: Referral Method
  • Terms: Payment Terms (None, Due on Receipt, Net 30, etc.) - Invoices will be generated with the terms selected here. For additional information, see Company.
  • Tax Settings: Taxable/Tax Exempt; Tax Rate - Items on invoices will be generated with the tax settings selected here.
  • Contact Preferences: Document Type - Mail (the customer prefers to have invoices sent by the post) or Email (the customer prefers electronic invoices); By Phone, By Email, By Mail - the customer has consented to be contacted by these methods
  • Additional Information: Customer Sales Rep or other Customer notes

Customers with multiple accounts can be linked. Once created, customers will sync with QuickBooks.

Customer Home Page

A customer's home page contains the customer's details as set when creating the customer (see Create New Customer for more information). To edit this information, click the "Edit" button next to each section's heading. The Customer Job Site includes a Google satellite map of the address. There are various map features available to use:

  • Map View: Change the map view (map/satellite) using the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the map. Hide or display street labels by selecting the Label option at the bottom of the menu.
  • Full Screen: Enter full screen mode by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the map.
  • Measure Distance: Use this tool to measure distances or square footages by clicking the "Measure" button in the bottom left corner of the map.
  • Visual Adjustments: Adjust the Google Map camera to zoom in or out using the +/- buttons in the bottom right corner of the map.
  • Street View: Zoom into Street View using the "Street View" button below the map.
  • Move Map Pin: Move the pinned job site location by selecting "Move Map Pin" below the map. This will change the GPS coordinates of a job site based upon where the pin is relocated to.
  • Customer Properties: Property features can be saved in this panel. Enter various information including property size, lawn size, garden size, driveway size, floor size, contact information and auto pay settings.
  • Item Properties: Unique Item settings that can be utilized to generate reports, bulk emails and work schedules. Edit a customer's item properties by clicking the edit icon in the section's heading. Change the value of the desired Item Property and press "Done" at the bottom of the window when finished. For additional information on Item Properties see Items.
  • Customer Actions: Use the "Customer Actions" button located at the bottom of the customer's home page to create leads, contracts, work orders, payments, or to print a customer summary.
  • Communication: View a customer's email history (including contracts and invoices sent, portal sign-up reminders, email blasts and individual emails), send a customer an individual email, or create a letter to be sent through the mail.
  • Portal Actions: A customer page is linked to a customer portal page where they can view their details, job site and billing addresses, property and item details as well as leads, contracts, work orders, invoices, payment and images.

The following are options under the Portal Actions menu, located at the bottom of a customer's home page:

  • Linked Accounts: Link multiple accounts for one customer. This will enable them to view multiple job sites on one account.
  • Preview Portal: Preview what the customer will see when they log into their account.
  • Reset Password: Email a link to the customer prompting them to reset their password.
  • Reminder Email: A customer will be able to sign up for the customer portal if emailed the account's sign up information. This is done by selecting "Reminder Email."

Access leads, contracts, work orders, invoices, payment, and files for a customer by navigating with the menu at the top of a customer's page. Utilize the various search boxes and date pickers at the top of each section to filter what is being displayed. Leads, Contracts, and Work Orders will auto-populate to an active status (see each corresponding section for additional information).

AdminMatic customer home page

Customer Portal

The customer portal page is where a customer can create an account with your business and view their contact/property details and item details as well as leads, contracts, work orders, invoices, payment and images. Customers can send a message to your business by selecting "Contact" from the menu banner across the top of their portal page.

Sample Adminmatic customer portal

Customer Properties

AdminMatic customer properties

Create a new Customer Property Setting by entering a property name, description, property type (on/off switch, text string, whole number, decimal number, date, date range, date picker, month picker, year picker) and default value for the setting type. Once created, customer properties are generated in the Customer page set as the default value (see Customers for additional information). To create a new Customer Property, click the "Settings menu" on the bottom right corner of the Customers Table page. Select "Edit Customer Settings" in the pop up window and enter the necessary information (name, description, type, default value, and visibility on customer portal). Select "Add New Setting" to create the new setting, and "Cancel" to cancel the changes.

Adminmatic customer properties

Existing settings can be edited by clicking on the "Customer Properties" button at the bottom of an item's page.

Items / Services Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

Items / Services are the products and services your business provides to your customers.

Item Types

There are four item types:

  • Services
  • Inventory Parts
  • Non Inventory Parts
  • Other Charge

Adminmatic item types

The item type effects how usage can be inputted into a work order. Services, for instance, will require an employee to enter the amount of time they spent performing that service (ex: John spent 3 hours mowing a lawn).

Inventory parts, Non-Inventory Parts and Other Charges will require a tangible quantity be entered for the amount used (ex: 3 bags of cement), along with a vendor if applicable.

Creating an Item

Adding an item can be done by navigating to the Items page and selecting the "Create New Item" button located on the bottom left corner of the page. Select the item type (Service, Inventory Part, Non-Inventory Part, Other Charge) and fill in the item's details:

  • Item Name: Each item must have a unique identifier
  • Parent Item Name (if applicable)
  • Manufacturer's Part Number (if applicable)
  • Purchase Unit(s) (if applicable)

Purchase Information:

  • Cost: Cost per unit
  • Vendor: Item source
  • Description on Purchase Transactions: Description will be used when purchasing item from vendor

Sales Information:

  • Sales Price: Price per unit; this will auto-populate on work orders and invoices (see Work Orders for additional information)
  • Tax Code
  • Description on Sales Transactions: Description will auto-populate in work orders and invoices (see Work Orders for additional information)

Inventory Information:

  • Reorder Point (min): Minimum number of items left in inventory to order additional stock
  • Max: Maximum number of item kept in stock
  • On Hand: Number of item on hand
  • Total Value: Calculated as the total value of an item on hand, in relation to the items cost
  • As Of: The date the On Hand quantity was assessed

Estimate Information:

  • Estimate Unit(s) (if applicable)
  • Minimum Sales Quantity: The minimum quantity of an item that can be sold to a customer
  • Estimate Notes: Information used to create customer contracts. Estimate Notes populate in the item's Estimator details in the contracts page (see Contracts for additional information).

Select "Create New Item" to create the new item. Once created, items will sync with QuickBooks.

If using QuickBooks Enterprise, you will need to create an item through QuickBooks and allow it to sync to AdminMatic from there.

Item Details

Item details, settings, status and accounts can be edited from the Items page. Any information in the Items page that has been edited will need to be saved before leaving the page by clicking the Save Changes button located in the bottom left corner of the window.

There are five tabs across the top of the items page to edit various features and view its various usage:

Item Details:

The Item Details page displays the item's details (name, parent item, manufacturer's part number, purchase units), Purchase, Sales, Inventory and Estimate Information as entered when creating a new item (see Create New Item for additional information).

Additional information can be added on this page:

  • Primary Department: The primary department the item will be used by/assigned to in a work order
  • Item Terms: Any terms and conditions that may be applicable when selling an item, which will display on a contract and invoice.
  • Vendors: Add vendors who supply the item here. To ad a vendor, select New Vendor under Vendor Actions from the top of the page. Vendor Name, Purchase Cost, Minimum Order Quantity and Suggested Price can be entered here.
  • Preferred Vendor: One Preferred Vendor can be selected per item. This refers to the primary purchasing source for the item. If an item has a preferred vendor set, the vendor's information will auto-populate when usage is entered for that item in a work order (see Work Orders for additional information).
  • Contracts: View active contracts including the item
  • Work Orders: View active work orders including the item
  • Invoices: View invoices including the item

Item settings and accounts can be edited by selecting the appropriate buttons at the bottom of the items page:

  • Settings: Edit Settings
  • Add New Item Property: Item properties are settings created for an item that can better define an item's various properties and scheduling requirements. Item properties can be used to generate reports and better organize an item. Create a new Item Property by entering a property name, description, property type (on/off switch, text string, whole number, decimal number, date, date range, date picker, month picker, year picker) and default value for the setting type. Once created, item properties are generated in the Customer page with set as the default value (see Customers for additional information).
  • Deactivate Item: Click Deactivate Item to deactivate an item. This will hide the item from searches unless the search filter is set to 'Inactive.'
  • Modify Accounts: Modify income, expense and asset accounts for the item. *If using QuickBooks Enterprise, you will need to edit an item's accounts through QuickBooks and allow it to sync to AdminMatic from there.

Adminmatic item details

Leads Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

The Leads page is a list of potential work that needs to be assessed and/or quoted. Leads can be requested by customers or employees, be marked as urgent or non-urgent work and various statuses: Not Started, In Progress, Waiting, Canceled, and Finished. To view leads marked as finished in the leads table, change the status filter to "All Leads."

Create New Lead

To create a new lead, select "Create New Lead" from the bottom left corner of the Leads page. Select a customer to assign the lead to, enter a title in the Lead Description box, any office notes (if applicable), whether or not the lead was requested by the customer, the urgency, and the crew and department the lead will be assigned to.

AdminMatic new lead

Select "Next" to navigate to the next page.

Here you can set planned dates for the lead. This acts as the lead's scheduling, and will also cause the lead to appear in the assigned crew's app schedules on the date set. You can also set a deadline as well as a sales rep to mark which employee will be assessing the work. Select "Create Lead" in the bottom-right to create the lead.

AdminMatic new lead

Once created, various work tasks that need to be assessed can be added under "Lead Tasks." Additional tasks can be added by clicking "Add New Task" or pressing the tab button on your keyboard in the existing task description text box.

Images can be added to task descriptions once a new task description has been created. Click the green button in the Images column of the lead tasks table to add images. Images can be uploaded in JPEG file format or selected from AdminMatic's database. Images do not have to be saved to the customer's account the lead is assigned to.

AdminMatic lead

Edit A Lead

The lead's description, planned dates, office notes, deadline, and sales rep can be edited by selecting the "Edit" button at top-right corner of the page.

Task Descriptions can be deleted by selecting the red button with the trash can icon located in the far right column of the Lead Tasks table. At the bottom-left of the view, the lead's status can be updated.

Several lead action buttons are available at the bottom-right of the view:

  • Print: Print a paper copy of the lead
  • Email: Email the lead
  • New Contract: Create a new contract linked to the lead
  • New Work Order: Create a new work order linked to the lead

AdminMatic lead options

Contracts Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

Contracts are quotes that can be sent to a customer for approval and scheduling. They can be created from the Contracts page or through a preexisting lead (see Leads for additional information).

Contracts have various statuses:

  • New: Newly made and not yet sent to the customer
  • Sent: Sent to the customer but not yet accepted
  • Awarded: The contract has been accepted but has not been created into a work order
  • Scheduled: The contract has been accepted and a work order has been created
  • Declined: The contract was declined
  • Waiting: The contract is on hold
  • Canceled: The contract is null and void

Multiple contracts can be edited at once by selecting the boxes on the far left column of the Contracts Table and opening the "Selected Contracts" menu from the bottom of the page. Contract status and customer can be edited here in bulk. This menu will also allow you to print multiple contracts at once.

Create New Contract

Select "Create New Contract" from the bottom left corner of the contracts page to start a new contract. Enter the new contract information:

  • Customer: The customer/job site the contract is assigned to
  • Contract Title: The name of the contract
  • Contract Date: See below for more information
  • Template: Sets a job template from your company's template list (see Company for additional information)
  • Sales Rep: The employee writing the contract

AdminMatic new contract

If the customer has any existing leads, you will also be prompted to copy the lead tasks over in the event that you're creating a contract for one of these leads.

Select "Next" to go to the next page.

AdminMatic new contract

Here you will set the contract's financial information. There are 3 Charge Types:

  • No Charge: The work being done is not billable
  • Fixed Priced: The job has been bid out at a fixed price with predetermined time and material quantities
  • Time and Material: The job will be completed and invoiced based upon the actual amount of time and materials used

In addition to setting payment terms, deposit type, and sales tax, you can also add office notes here and set several additional contract settings under the "Work Order Configuration" sub-menu on the right:

  • Primary Department and Crew: Who will be working on the job
  • Invoice Type: Upon Completion, Batch, or No Invoice
  • Deadline: A deadline date for the contract
  • Renewal Settings: Does not renew, prompt to renew, or always renew (recurring)

Select the "Create Contract" button in the bottom right corner of the window to create the new contract. To cancel, select "Close" located in the bottom left corner of the window.

Adding Contract Items

Items can be added to a contract by selecting "Add Item to Contract" under the Contract Items table.

Templates can be used to add multiple items to a contract at once (see Company for additional information). From the Templates drop down menu next to the "Add Item to Contract" button, select "Load Template" to choose a preexisting template. Templates can be filtered by department or searched for under the "Select Template" menu. You can uncheck the box on the left of any template item to omit it, or uncheck the box under the "Tasks & Material Descriptions" column for any item to omit the given text from its description once imported.

AdminMatic contract

A contract item's charge type, estimated usage quantity, price and tax code can be edited in the Contract Items table. If an item has any terms associated with it (see Items for additional information), they will autofill in the contract terms and can be edited with the "Edit Contract Terms" button underneath the "Office Notes" text box.

When all items have been entered, the contract items in the table can be saved as a new template to be used at a later time by selecting "Save as New Template" under the Templates menu. Item quantities and unit prices can be hidden from the customer view by clicking "Change Setting" in the bottom-right of the page and then selecting "Hide Contract Total."

Contract Terms

All contracts contain a list of contract terms. Contract terms define all the parts of a contract that are not describing the job itself; including details such as how the job is going to be charged, how the job will be invoiced, how late payments are handled, and how the job is scheduled.

AdminMatic makes it easy to set up your boilerplate contract text and allow contracts to automatically generate their terms based on the contract's settings and what it contains. For more information on how to set up this default text used by contracts to automatically build terms, see the Company Settings section.

To manually edit contract settings, click "Edit" on a contract followed by "Edit Contract Terms at the bottom. On this view, elements of the auto-generated contract terms can be reordered or excluded from the final contract terms text. Beneath is a section where you can add any contract-specific terms that apply to this contract only and wouldn't be a part of any of the templated elements. Finally, on the right half of the window, you can see a preview of the contract terms text based on your selections.

Until a contract is sent, the contract terms will automatically regenerate any time anything on the contract is changed that affects terms, such as adding or removing an item or changing the deposit type. Once a contract is sent, the contract terms are locked and will no longer be auto generated. If you need to re-enable auto generation on a sent contract (to fix an error and resend, for instance), you can click the "Reset Terms" button at the bottom.

Work Orders Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

The Work Orders list contains all work orders for your business and by default displays active work orders. Work orders can be searched for by using the work order ID, title, or customer's name in the search box; located in the top left corner of the page. Using the advanced search feature allows the user to filter work orders by other various factors including the charge type, invoice type, or various customer filters. Other searchable criteria includes planned work order dates, assigned departments/crews, and work order status.

When a work order is created from the contract page, all of the contract's information is carried forward and put into the new work order. The invoice type, scheduling information and renewal settings will need to be set while creating the work order. Work orders can be created without a contract from the Work Orders page or through a Customer's account (see Customers for additional information). From the Work Orders List, select 'Create New Work Order' from the Actions list located on the bottom left corner of the page. The charge and invoice types, scheduling information and job frequency will all be entered during this process.

Invoice Type

Invoicing can be done in three ways upon a work order's completion:

  • Upon Completion: An invoice can be created when the work order is marked to finished
  • Batch: The work order will generate an invoice when the Batch Invoice tool is used in the Invoices page. This is an ideal tool to use for frequent/recurring jobs that would be tedious to invoice individually. A Batched Invoice will include all finished outstanding work orders for a customer with the invoice type set as 'Batch.' For more information, refer to the 'Invoices' section below.
  • No Invoice: The work being done does not require an invoice. No further action is to be taken upon the work order's finalization.*

Departments and Primary Crews

Departments and Crews are created in the Employees page. Setting a department and primary crew is not a required field to create a work order and can be filled in at a later point. A crew is enabled to view a work order on their app when they are assigned to the job, making it easier to locate and enter their usage. Setting an appropriate department and primary crew can additionally help in filtering and organizing work orders in the Planner view.


The work order's start date, time, and deadline (if applicable) can be entered an locked if planned for a firm date. If there is no known start date, a work order can be left as 'Unscheduled.'

Renewal Settings

Work orders will have three renewal settings:

  • Work order does not renew: The service/work order is for a one-time job
  • Prompt on work order completion: The service/work order is needed on multiple occasions with no set schedule or frequency. The finished work order will prompt to copy and create a new Not Started work order and can have a planned date set to it.
  • Recurring work order: The service/work order is a recurring job with a set time range and schedule frequency. The Recurring Range Type can either be Annual (the work order repeats every year without a tentative ending, ex. April 1 - November 1) or Fixed (the work order is only to recur during a set period, ex. April 1 2022 -July 1 2022). The Frequency (Days) is the recurring schedule for the work order (how often the work should happen), and the Minimum Days Between are the least number of days that should pass before a renewed work order is scheduled. When a recurring work order is renewed, AdminMatic will prompt to schedule the new work order based upon the set frequency. A preferred day can be selected, if applicable. This will prompt AdminMatic to schedule the new work order on the preferred day within the corresponding frequency/minimum days between.

Once a work order is created, its information can be edited by selecting the 'Edit' button from the top right corner of the page. Additional scheduling dates and crews can be added from this window.

A work order consists of a list of items, which represent tasks and materials required to complete the job. A work order item can either be labor type, indicating a list of tasks that need to be completed for a component of the job; or material type, indicating materials required for their job. Usage is added to work order items by employees in the field, with labor-type usage taking the form of logged work hours and material-type usage taking the form of the quantity of the material consumed.

Adminmatic work order structure The structure of a work order

Individual items can be added to a work order by selecting 'Add Item to Work Order,' located about halfway down the work order page. Multiple items can be added to a work order at the same time by using the Template feature in the Company section. To load a template, select 'Load Template' from the Templates drop down menu and navigate to the desired template. Individual items and their descriptions can be selected/deselected to be included in the work order. Click 'Load Template' to add the items to the work order. 'Estimated Quantity' refers to the estimated number of hours/tangible units an item will require to complete a work order. The estimated quantity is for internal use only and is not reflected on the invoice.

Work orders have various Statuses:

  • Not Started: The work order does not have any item usage/the work has not started
  • In Progress: The work has started but is not completed; additional time/materials are needed to complete the work order.
  • Finished: The work order is completed and ready to be invoiced
  • Cancelled: The work does not need to be done/is voided
  • Waiting: The work order is pending and does not need to be visible in the planner


A work order can be duplicated by selecting 'Duplicate Work Order' under the Actions menu, located at the bottom of the work order page. This will create a new copy of the work order without any usage.


Employees can be notified that a work order has been added to their upcoming planner by being printed, emailed or sending a text message.


The Planner is a week view of planned work orders and has various filters and tools to help with scheduling. The planner will automatically open to the current week. To filter to a different week, use the date picker located at the top of the page.

To expand or minimize a day, hover over the numerical date at the top of the calendar to click +/- (expand/collapse). Work orders can be searched for in the Week Planner by using a customer's name in the 'Search Planned Work Order' Box. Click the filter to the right of the search field to access the Advanced Search options. Planned work orders can be filtered based upon charge type, invoice type, work order status, or various items included in the work order.

To filter the work orders visible in the Week Planner by a Department or Crew, click the All Departments/Crews menu from the top right corner of the page. Select the desired departments and crews to view and Apply the settings. Clicking on a Department Header will automatically select all crews within that department. To clear the filter, re-select the Departments/Crews drop down menu and click the red X at the top of the menu.

Additional Work Orders

All work orders that are not scheduled for the filtered week in the Planner are listed as Additional Work Orders on the left side of the page. Work orders with an In Progress status are listed in the upper box and those with an Not Started status are listed below; all are organized by work order age.

Additional Work Orders can be filtered by name, department/crew and various other advanced settings using the search fields located at the top of the section.

For scheduling purposes, Additional Work Orders with existing planned dates can be hidden from this list. Click 'Hide/Show Scheduled,' located directly under the headers In Progress and Unstarted Work Orders. Recurring work orders can additionally be hidden.

Work orders can be selected individually or in multiples to be edited or added to a scheduled day in the current week's planner. Select the work orders to be edited by checking off the box in the work order's log. Open the Edit Selected Work Orders menu from the bottom left corner of the Planner Page. Work order sales rep, primary department, main crew assignment, planned date information and status can be edited from here. Multiple work orders can also be selected at once to be printed.

You can view work orders on a map by selecting Show On Map from the top right corner of the page. The map view will automatically open with all active work orders plotted. The visible work orders can be edited using the tools at the bottom of the map:

  • Planned: All work orders with a planned schedule date in the filtered week
  • Additional: Includes all other active work orders without a planned schedule date in the filtered week
  • Unstarted: Work orders with a status of Not Started
  • In Progress: Work orders with a status of In Progress
  • Finished: Work orders with a status of Finished
  • Cancelled: Work orders with a status of Canceled
  • Pin Color: Filter work order pins on the map by department color, or crew subcolor. Colors can be chosen in the Department & Crews page.
  • Select Mode: Select work order pins to edit work order sales rep, primary department, main crew, edit planned schedule dates or status. To edit, select the various work order pins on the map and choose an option from the Edit Selected Work Orders menu on the bottom left corner of the page.

Invoices Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

Work orders that are marked as Finished can be generated into invoices using the predetermined fixed price or the actual time an material usage inputted on a job site.

Invoice Type

Invoicing can be done in three ways upon a work order's completion:

  • Upon Completion: An invoice can be created when the work order is marked to finished. A yellow banner across the top of the work order page will display a warning message that the work order needs to be invoiced (See Work Orders for additional information).
  • Batch: The work order will generate an invoice when the Batch Invoice tool is used in the Invoices page. This is an ideal tool to use for frequent/recurring jobs that would be tedious to invoice individually. A Batched Invoice will include all finished outstanding work orders for a customer with the invoice type set as 'Batch.'
  • No Invoice: The work being done does not require an invoice. No further action is to be taken upon the work order's finalization.*

The invoice table contains all invoices generated from work orders. The table automatically displays active invoices, organized by invoice ID number. Invoices can be reorganized or filtered by date created, customer name, invoice title, invoice type (single, batch) and invoice total.

An invoice will either have a status of Pending or Final.

Pending invoices are invoices that still need review and are not yet ready to be sent to a customer. If an invoice is marked as pending it will not be visible in the customer portal. Invoices that are generated individually are automatically set as pending when created. Invoices can be finalized by unchecking the Pending box located in an invoice at the bottom of the page. Pending invoices will be highlighted in yellow in the invoices table.

The Quickbooks logo indicates whether an invoice has synced to Quickbooks. If the invoice has not yet sunk, two arrows forming a circle will be displayed.

Invoices can be mailed or emailed to customers. A printer logo indicates that an invoice has been printed to be sent via post. An envelope in the sent column of the invoices table indicates that the invoice was emailed to a customer. A slashed circle indicates that an invoice has not yet been printed or emailed.

Multiple invoices can be printed by selecting multiples in the invoice table or by selecting 'Print All Unsent' invoices at the bottom of the invoices page. This will create PDFs of all unsent invoices to be printed regardless of a customer's document preference (see Customers for additional information).

Editing or Deleting An Invoice

Once created, invoices can have various features edited:

  • Invoice Title
  • Invoice Date
  • PO Number
  • Sales Rep
  • Office Notes
  • Payment Terms
  • Item Serviced Date(s)
  • Item Tasks & Material Descriptions
  • Item Tax Codes
  • Sales Tax (entire invoice)
  • New Payments to Apply

To edit these details, open the invoice from the invoice table and select the appropriate field to make changes to. Items, usage quantities, and rates cannot be edited from the invoice page. To edit these fields, the invoice must be deleted and changes made in the work order. To delete the invoice, select 'Delete' from the Invoice Actions menu located at the bottom of the invoice page. This will void the invoice and re-open the work order to enable edited. Once the desired changes have been made, re-invoice the work order using the 'Actions' menu at the bottom of the page (see Work Orders for additional information).

Sending Invoices

Invoices that are generated individually are auto-marked as Pending. This means that the invoice still needs to be reviewed before being sent out. If an invoice is marked as Pending, it will not be visible on the customer's portal for them to review. If ready to be sent, an invoice can be marked as Final by unchecking the 'Invoice Pending' box from the bottom of the invoice page.

Invoices can be sent by email or printed on paper. To issue an invoice, select the correspondence method from the Communication menu at the bottom right corner of the invoice page. A PDF copy of the invoice can be previewed by selecting 'View PDF'. If emailing an invoice, a pop-up window will open with an email body, options to add a cc email, any attachments to send in addition to the invoice and the email addresses associated with the customer's account. New email addresses can be added under the 'Select Contacts' portion of the window.

In the Company section an email body can be saved as a template for ease of use, which will generate for every emailed invoice.

Equipment Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

You can store all your company's equipment information in AdminMatic's equipment page.

Equipment statuses include:

  • Online: The equipment is fully functioning for use
  • Needs Service: The equipment requires some service for regular maintenance
  • Broken: The equipment needs a repair before being used again
  • Winterized: The equipment is active, but stored for out of season layaway

In addition to status, equipment can be marked as "active" or "inactive" to denote whether it is actively in use by the company and should be displayed in the main equipment list.

Equipment is also further classified by equipment, engine, and fuel types. The fields for these type values can be created and edited by navigating the Settings menu at the bottom right corner of the Equipment page.

Add New Equipment

Add a new piece of equipment by selecting 'New Equipment' from the bottom left corner of the Equipment page.

Fill in the applicable equipment details:

  • Name
  • Make
  • Model
  • Serial Number
  • Type
  • Weight
  • Purchase Date
  • Purchase Price
  • Manufacture Year
  • Registration Number
  • Engine Type
  • Fuel Type
  • Description
  • Vendor
  • Crew
  • Active
  • Status
  • Equipment Report (Determines whether or not the equipment will be displayed in planner views)

Once created, an image of the equipment can be uploaded in the Equipment Details page. Photos must be in JPEG format. Equipment photos do not filter to the File Manager page, they can only be managed on this page.

Once created, a piece of equipment can also have its logging type optionally set to miles, kilometers, or engine hours. Setting a logging type allows usage to be stores on the equipment and the creation of usage-based services.

Equipment Service

Equipment services come in the following types:

  • One Time: A one-time service scheduled for a particular date
  • Date Based: A service scheduled to repeat every set number of days
  • Detailed Inspection: A list of inspection questions to be filled out, can either repeat like date based services or function as One Time by setting the repeating frequency to 0 days
  • Usage Based: A repeating service based on the equipment's usage value, being either miles, kilometers, or engine hours. This service type cannot be selected if the equipment does not have a logging type set.

To add a new service, navigate to the piece of equipment you want to add a service to and select the 'Add New Service' button on the bottom of the page. In addition to selecting a service type and filling out the applicable timing/frequency information, you can set a title, description, and reminder warning. Setting a reminder warning will cause the service to be highlighted that much time or usage before the service is due.

Planned dates can also be set on the right side of the window, which will assign a date and time for particular crews to work on the service and display it in the corresponding employees' app schedules.

A piece of equipment's services can be viewed by navigating to the 'Services' tab on the top of the equipment view, with completed services being accessible via the status menu on the top-right.

Vendors Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

The vendors page is used to store contact information for vendors supplying materials and equipment to your business.

Contact information, billing terms, and items purchased can be reviewed in a vendor's detail page. Similarly to the customer page, the vendor location is displayed in map view using Google Maps. Items purchased from a vendor will be listed on the right hand side of the Vendors detail page. Items are linked to vendors through the Items page.

Various details can be edited by clicking the green edit icon in the vendor details page.

Create New Vendor

To create a new vendor, select the 'Create New Vendor' button on the bottom-right of the vendor list view.

Enter the vendor's first and last name and/or company name if applicable. A system name must be set, and must be unique from all other system names in your AdminMatic account. Additionally you can add the vendor's preferred email and phone number, and any additional contact information you wish to add.

Press 'Next' to navigate to the address section, where you will fill out the vendor's ship from address as well as the billing address. If both addresses are the same, you can fill out the first address and then click the green copy button located in between the two sides.

Press 'Next' again to navigate to the final section, where you can fill out the following:

  • Vendor Category: A category for the vendor
  • Preferred Contact Type: Whether the vendor prefers to be contacted by phone or email
  • Found Vendor Type: Optionally set how the vendor was found (word of mouth, Google, etc)
  • Vendor Contact: Optionally choose to set an employee to be marked as this vendor's point of contact
  • Vendor Notes: Any additional notes you wish to store

Once created, payment terms can be set on the vendor by selecting the edit button above 'Additional Details' on the vendor's view.

File Manager Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

The file manager is a library of all images and documents uploaded to your business' account with Adminmatic.

Photos can be uploaded to Adminmatic through the File Manager page of the site or via lead, contract or work order task items, all of which filter to this page.

You can search for images using a customer's name, the employee's name who uploaded the photo, tags, or upload date. Images can be filtered using various features and ordered by the date created, alphabetically or by the number of likes.

  • Customer Image: The image is linked to a customer's account
  • Task Image: The image is linked to an item's task in a work order
  • Lead Task Image: The image is linked to a task description in a lead
  • Gallery Image: The image is not linked to a customer or a lead/contract/work order, it has been uploaded directly to the file manager

Upload individual images or folders by using the 'Upload Image(s)' and 'Upload Folder' buttons at the bottom of the File Manager page. Clicking on an image will open a page for adding various elements to the image (see Images for additional information).

To print or change an image's customer assignment or add tags to a photo, click the 'Select Mode' button from the bottom of the File Manager window. When activated, the menu to the right of the Select Mode button will highlight in blue.

Select individual or multiple photos to manipulate; once selected, images will have a white check mark stamped on the thumbnail to show that any changes made will be applied to it. Open the blue drop down menu located in the bottom right corner of the File Manager page to make changes (change customer, add tag) or print images as full pages or thumbnails.


Each image has its own collection of details and settings. The image size, file type, file size and date/time added to Adminmatic are all stored in the Image page.

Images can be opened by clicking on the thumbnail in the main File Manager page. Details including the Image Name, Image Description, Customer and Album assignments and Tags can be edited in this page.

Images can be displayed or hidden from the customer portal (if associated with a customer) and/or Live Feed. Checking off either option indicates that the image is actively on display.

Images can be downloaded in three sizes: thumbnail, medium or large. To print an image, Select the Print Image button located below the image.

To delete an image, select 'Delete Image,' located below the image. A pop-up window will ask to confirm that you want to delete an image, this action cannot be reversed. If the business has a professional portfolio, images can be added to the collection by selecting the Add to Portfolio button, located below Image Tags.

Employees can look through their employer's image collection and 'like' images. Image likes are tallied and signaled by a red heart towards the bottom of the image page. Images on the main File Manager page can be filtered by most or least likes.

Image Manipulation

Images can be cropped and rotated in Adminmatic.

Crop an Image

To crop an image, select the Crop button, located on top of the displayed image. Constraints can be selected to use while cropping: Square, Panorama or Tall. The constraints will create a box with set dimensional ratios. The size of the constraint can be changed, but not the ratio.

To crop an image without constraints, select No Constraints from above the image. Use the mouse to create a desired constraint.
Use the small boxes along the edges of the constraint to manipulate the box's size (the mouse pointer will display as a vertical/horizontal resize pointer).
Click and drag the constraint to crop a specific area of the image by clicking anywhere in the constrained area (the mouse will display as a move pointer). When finished, select Make Crop from the bottom right corner of the page. To cancel the changes, select Cancel Crop.

Rotate an Image

Rotate an image by using the forward/backward arrow buttons located above an image in the Image page. To save any image manipulations, select Save Image at the bottom right corner of the image page. To discard the changes, select 'Close Without Saving.'

Reports Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm

Use the Reports page to generate various reports for analyzing your company's data. Use various information from the work flow stack, customer, vendor, item or employee pages to create reports specific to your needs.

Create New Report

To create a new report, select Create New Report from the bottom of the Reports page. From the pop-up window, select the report type, which is where data will be sourced from to generate the report: Customers; Leads; Contracts; Work Orders; Invoices; Items; Employees; Recurring Work Orders; Work Order Items; or Usage Entries. On the next window, enter various details of the report being created: Report Title, Report Description and Report URL (note: URL's should be entered in all lowercase letters without spaces). Select a Report Icon, which will display on the Reports home page. Next, set the default report settings. Select how to group report results, the default date range, column sort and active status.

Company Last updated: 07/05/2021 @ 02:07pm


The Company Settings section contains broad settings and information for your company as a whole. Here you can set default values, templates, and other settings that personalize your company and minimize data re-entry as you use the system.

General Settings

Terms are automatically built on contracts based on the settings and items on the contract. In this section, you can quickly edit the terms that are applied to contracts from each of these elements and control the order of elements and which do or do not appear on contract terms.

The contract terms builder has the following sections:

  • Company Terms: General boilerplate terms that are placed on every contract
  • Charge Type Terms: Terms added to the contract based on which charge type is selected
  • Renewal Terms: Terms added to the contract if it involves renewing work orders
  • Deposit Terms: Terms added to the contract based on which deposit type is selected
  • Payment Terms: Terms added to the contract based on which payment terms type is selected
  • Item Terms: Per-item terms, added to the contract when the given item is on the contract
  • Contract Specific Terms

Item terms can also be edited on the individual item's page in the items section.

To reorder sections on the contract terms, the up and down arrows on each row can be clicked. Use the checkboxes on the right to include or exclude a row from the automatically generated contract terms.

Adminmatic App Last updated: 11/13/2023 @ 03:11pm

Getting Started

You can log into your company's instance via your company identifier, username, and password. If you're a prospective user, you can also test out the app using the "Enter Demo Instance" button.

Adminmatic log in screen

From the home screen, all the main views can be accessed. Additional options are accessible via the gear button in the top corner. You can also tap your name to directly access your employee view.

Adminmatic home view Adminmatic home view settings


The employee view contains a list of all your company's employees. Employees can be filtered via the search bar at the top. Swiping an employee (or tapping the menu dots on Android) will let you text or call an employee. You can also pull down on the list to refresh the employees.

The four buttons at the bottom allow you to send a group text message, view all employees' crews, create a new employee, and access further filter settings.

Tapping an employee will take you to their employee detail view.

Adminmatic employee view

Group Text Message

The group text message view allows you to send bulk text messages to your employees, employing a batching system when more employees are selected than can be sent via a single text. Compose your message, check the employees you want to send the text to, and press the send button at the bottom to start sending.

Adminmatic group text mesage view Adminmatic batch texting


The crews view displays a list of your company's crews and all assigned employees and equipment. You can tap an employee or equipment to access it, and tap a crew header to view more information. This crews view is read-only, however an editable crews view can be accessed via the gear button on the main menu.

Adminmatic crew view

New Employee

Tap "New Employee" to add a new employee to your company. Fill out the fields and tap "submit" when complete.

Employee Filter Settings

The gear icon will bring you to additional filter settings for the employee list. Most list views in the app also have this feature. On employees, the only setting is to view inactive employees instead of active ones. While a filter is active, the gear icon will appear yellow. You can tap "Clear All Filters" to restore the default view.


Tapping an employee will take you to their view. You can tap the phone number or email to contact the employee. A gallery of images uploaded by the customer is visible, and the buttons will take you to the following additional views.

Adminmatic employee view


The Crews button will take you to the same crews view accessible via the employee list, but filtered to only display the given employee's crews.


This view displays all usage logged on work orders by the employee. The date pickers at the top allow you to view usage from previous days.


This view displays all scheduled shifts for the employee. The picker at the top lets you switch between shifts for this week and shifts for the upcoming week.


The payroll view allows a user to manually enter payroll. Permission to access this view will generally not be available to regular employees and will instead be filled in by supervisors and admins. The start and stop buttons will add the current time, and the time fields can be tapped to manually add times and break times. Payroll is updated in real time, so no submit button needs to be pressed. The employee selector at the top allows to you to set payroll for another employee without having to go back to the employee list.

Adminmatic payroll view


The licenses view displays a list of all licenses attributed to the employee.


The performance view is a place to add compliments and complaints about employees. The "New Compliment" and "New Complaint" buttons allow you to add a new entry, and the employee's existing compliments and complaints for the year are displayed on screen. You can tap the year selector at the top to view performance entries from previous years.


The customers view contains a list of all the active customers your company has dealt business with. You can filter customers by both name and address by typing into the search bar. You can also pull down on the list to refresh the customers. Tapping a customer will bring you to their customer detail view.


The customer view contains all relevant info for the given customer. Contact info is shown at the top, and each field can be tapped to call, email, or open navigation to the customer. The Contacts, Documents, and Notes buttons will take you to additional views discussed below.

The bottom half of the screen contains a tabbed view to see all active leads, contracts, work orders, invoices, and images uploaded attributed to the customer. By default only entries from the current year are displayed, however previous years can be selected via the year picker in the bottom-right corner. You can tap on a lead, contract, work order, invoice, or image to navigate to it.

Tapping "Edit" in the top right corner will take you to an edit view where you can view and edit all of the customer's detailed information. Accessing this view requires edit permission, which can be set per-employee on the Adminmatic web control panel.

The "Add Work Order" shortcut button will take you to the new work order view with the customer already filled in.

Adminmatic customer view

Customer Contacts

The customer contacts view displays all contact information saved on the employee. You can swipe an entry (or tap the menu dots on Android) to edit or delete the contact. At the bottom of the list, you can tap "+Add Contact" to add a new contact to the customer. A customer can only have one of each of the "main phone" and "main email" type contacts, and these fields determine the phone and email displayed on the main customer view.

Customer Documents

The "Documents" button displays a list of documents (PDF files, CAD drawings, etc.) attributed to the customer. PDFs can be tapped to be viewed directly in the app. Other file types can be tapped to be downloaded, and the link to any document can be shared via the "Share" button on each list item.

Customer Notes

The "Notes" button takes you to a view where you can view and edit general notes and property information regarding the customer. The "Zone" picker lets you select a zone for the customer from the list of zones that can be set under company settings on the Adminmatic web control panel. You can also toggle a customer's active status, which determines whether or not they will appear in the customer list. If the "Allow Images" switch is toggled off, users will not be able to upload gallery images tagged with the customer or images on the customer's leads, contracts, and work orders.


The vendors view contains a list of all the vendors in your system. Vendors can be filtered by typing in the search bar at the top, and you can swipe (or tap the menu dots on Android) to call a vendor. The "New Vendor" button at the bottom of the screen allows you to create and add a new vendor entry to your system. You can also pull down on the list to refresh the vendors. Tapping a vendor will enter its detail view.


The vendor view displays the vendor's phone number, website, and address. Any of these fields can be tapped to contact or navigate to the entry. The customer's balance is also displayed as well as a map view of the vendor's location if an address has been set.

You can tap "edit" in the top right corner to edit the vendor's details.


The items view contains a list of all items in your database. Items are used on work orders and leads to automatically fill in the vendor and pricing information. Items can be filtered by typing into the search bar at the top, and you can tap an item to navigate to its detailed item view.


The item view contains the full name and price of the item, its type, and whether or not the item is taxable. At the bottom is a map displaying all vendors in your system that carry the item as well as their pricing.

You can tap the "Vendors" tab above the map to view the list of vendors. Tapping a vendor will navigate to its vendor view. A yellow-tinted entry in the list indicates a vendor marked as preferred.

The "Work Orders" tab displays a list of active work orders that call for the item. You can tap a work order to navigate to it, and the remaining quantity of the item to fulfill the work orders is displayed on each entry with a total at the bottom.

Adminmatic item map


The leads view contains a list of all the active leads in your database. You can filter leads by customer name, ID number, or description by typing in the search bar at the top. You can also pull down on the list to refresh the leads. Tapping a lead will to navigate to its detailed view.

The "Add New Lead" button will open a view to create a new lead. The map pin button displays all the currently filtered leads on a map, with each pin being selectable to navigate to the lead or start GPS navigation to the location.

The gear button allows you to further filter the lead list by status, sales representative, and zone. The "Clear All Filters" button will reset all the filters, and while a filter is active the gear button will display in yellow on the lead list view.


At the top of the screen, you will see the stack view which allows you to quickly jump between all the leads, contracts, work orders, and invoices attached to a given job. The stack view is also present in the contract, work order, and invoice views so you can easily access all the relevant information for a job.

Underneath the stack view is a status icon which can be tapped to edit the lead's status, and the customer button which can be tapped to navigate to the lead's customer.

Next is some basic information about the lead and its scheduling followed by a list of tasks attributed to the lead. You can tap a task in the list to edit it and/or add an image. The "Add Tasks" button at the bottom allows you to add new tasks to the lead.

The "Edit" button in the top-right of the screen will display a detailed edit view to view and edit the lead's information and scheduling.

Adminmatic lead  view


The contracts view displays a list of all active contracts in your system. Each cell displays the status icon, customer, contract ID, name, and age of the contract. You can filter the list by customer name, contract name, and contract ID by typing in to the search bar at the top. You can also pull down on the list to refresh the contracts. Tapping a contract will take you to its detailed view.

The "Add New Contract" button allows you to add new contracts to your system, and the gear button allows you to further filter the contracts list by status and sales representative.


The contract view contains much of the same information as the lead view, as a lead is ultimately what evolves into a contract. You can tap the status icon to change the contract's status and tap the customer button to navigate to the contract's associated customer.

Beneath the information view is a list of tasks, which now contains detailed pricing information. You can swipe a task to delete it and tap "+ Add Item" or "+ Add Template" to add additional items to the contract, with the "template" option adding a set of items defined in the templates which can be edited under the "Company" tab on the Adminmatic web control panel.

At the bottom of the screen is a button to sign the contract, as well as the total price the customer will be charged.

The menu button in the top-right of the view contains the following options:

  • Edit Contract: Displays the contract's edit view
  • Edit Terms: Displays the contract's terms in an editable form. The "Regenerate Terms" button will regenerate the default terms based on the contract's settings and content.
  • Sort Items: Allows the contract's items to be dragged and reordered
  • Duplicate Contract: Creates a duplicate of the contract
  • Send Contract: Displays a view to email the contract to the customer
  • Schedule Contract: Schedules the contract, updating its status and creating a new associated work order

Adminmatic contract view Adminmatic contract options

Work Orders

The work orders section makes up the core functionality of the app that your employees will be using. Employees can view their scheduled work orders for the day, add usage and images to the tasks they're working on, and view routes to navigate between their job sites.

Work Order List

The work order list displays a full list of all active work orders for your company. You can filter these work orders by customer name, work order name, and ID number by typing into the search bar at the top of the screen. Additional filter options for date range, department, crew, and status can be accessed via the gear button in the bottom right corner of the view. You can also pull down on the list to refresh the work orders.

The "Add Work Order" button on the bottom of the view allows you to directly create a new work order and add it to the system. For most employees using the app this button will be inaccessible via their permission settings.

The map pin button will display a map containing all the currently filtered work orders. The pins' colors identity the status of the work order, and if the schedule selection includes ordered work orders the pins will display their priority number. You can tap a pin to navigate to the work order or start GPS navigation to the job site.

Adminmatic work order list

Work Order

Like the other views in the Adminmatic job workflow, the individual work order view starts with the stack view, a status picker that can be tapped to change the work order's status, and a customer button that will navigate to the work order's customer.

Beneath the info box is a list of items on the work order. Work order items come in two forms, labor and material. Labor work order items contain a list of tasks, while material work order items are defined by a quantity of a single item. Usage is added on both types as work is done on the job, with usage taking the form of employee hours on labor type work order items and item quantities on material type items. You can swipe a work order item (or tap the menu dots on Android) to delete it, and tapping a work order item will navigate to its detail view.

The "Add Note" button allows users without work order edit permission to append notes onto the work order's notes field.

If the user has monetary permissions set, a financial info footer showing the work order's profit margins will be visible at the bottom of the view. For most of your company's employees, this will be disabled.

The "Options" button in the top-right contains the following options:

  • Edit Work Order: Opens the work order's edit view
  • Schedule Work Order: Opens a view to schedule crews' planned dates for the work order (see below)
  • Sort Items: Allows the work order's items to be dragged and reordered
  • Invoice Work Order: Creates an invoice from a completed work order

Adminmatic work order view
A work order item can be swiped (or tap the menu dots on Android) to change its status, or to quick complete it if the work order item had the "quick complete" flag enabled on the control panel. Quick completing a work order item will automatically fill in its usage with the estimate value and set itself and all of its tasks to complete, useful for simple work order items that are always filled in the same way.

Planned Dates

The planned dates view allows you to view and edit planned work dates for the work order. A planned date can have any number of crews, each with their own stop and start time.

The date, crew, and time fields can be tapped to edit their values. The "Lock" switch can be used to mark the date as firm and require an extra tap to change it.

The "Add Crew" button on a planned date row will add a new crew to the planned date, and the "Add Date" button at the bottom of the view will add a new date row to the schedule. To delete a date, you can tap "Delete" on all its crews and the empty planned date will automatically be removed.

Tap "Submit" in the top-right corner to save your changes.

Adminmatic planned dates view

Work Order Item

The appearance of the work order item view will vary depending on whether the item is labor type or material type.

Labor Type Material Type
Labor type work order item Material type work order item

On both types, you can edit the work order item via the button in the top-right (on labor type, the menu also contains an option to sort tasks).

Tapping the status icon will let you change the item's status. When changing a work order item status, the change will also reflect back up the chain the to the work order. For instance, if an item is set to "In Progress" while the work order is "Not Started," the work order will also automatically be set the "In Progress." Likewise, when all items on a work order are set to "Complete" the work order will also automatically be set to "Complete."

Like the work order view, if the logged in employee has monetary permissions enabled a financial information footer will be visible at the bottom showing the numbers for this specific work order item.

On labor type work order items, the view will contain a list of tasks. Tasks can have their status updated or be deleted by swiping the entry (or tapping the status icon on Android). Tapping a task will allow you to edit its description and/or add images. New tasks can be added under the edit view.

Usage Entry

The usage view can be accessed via the "Usage" button on both types of work order items. Like the work order item view itself, the usage entry view's appearance also varies between labor and material type work orders.

Labor Type Material Type
Labor type usage entry Material type usage entry

On labor type items, the view will automatically open with all employees on the assigned crew already filled in. If you need to add or remove additional employees, you can add more via the button at the top and remove employees tapping the trash can icon. The "Start" and "Stop" buttons will fill in the start and stop times with the current time. You can also manually enter start, stop, and break time, and if there are multiple employees on the list you will be prompted to also set that time for the others. Press the "Submit" button at the bottom to save your changes.

On material type items, you will be filling in the quantity and price of the materials used. Any vendors in your system that stock the item can be selected at the top, and their price will automatically be filled in. Quantity and price can manually be edited below, with the "Total Cost" field automatically displaying the total. Press the "Submit" button at the bottom to save your changes. Once the material usage has been submitted, you can also tap the camera icon if you want to upload an image of a receipt for the materials. The "History" button in the top-right will display usage history from previous days.


The invoices view contains a list of all the active invoices in your system. Invoices can be filtered by name, ID, date, and value by typing into the search bar at the top of the view. You can also pull down on the list to refresh the invoices. Tapping an invoice will enter its detailed view.


As another part of the Lead > Contract > Work Order > Invoice workflow, the invoice view also contains the stack view at the top. Beneath it is the usual status icon and customer button, however unlike the other related views, the invoice status is changed via other means than directly tapping the icon.

Beneath is a list of all the work order items and their prices, followed by a footer of total financial information and the invoice's current status.

When an invoice is first created, it will temporarily display as "Syncing to QuickBooks," but will soon update to "Pending." Once an invoice has finished syncing, it can be finalized by selecting "Mark as Final" underneath the options menu in the top-right. Once an invoice is finalized, it can then be sent to the customer via the "Send Invoice" option underneath the options menu.

Adminmatic invoice view


The image gallery contains all images uploaded to the system. You can filter images by customer by typing into the search bar at the top and selecting a customer. Tapping an image will take you to its detail view, and new images can be directly uploaded via the "Add Images" button at the bottom. Additional filters are accessible under the gear settings button in the bottom-right, including the option to search images by tag instead of customer name. You can also pull down on the gallery to refresh the images.

Image Detail

Tapping an image will take you to its image detail view, where you can see the full image and pinch zoom in. The footer displays information about the image, its tags, the likes count, and a customer link.

You can tap on the heart to like or unlike the image, and tapping the likes count to the right of the heart will display a list of all employees who liked the image.

Tapping the customer link will give you the option to either navigate to the customer's detail view or go back to the gallery filtered to only that customer's image.

The "Options" menu in the top-right contains the following options:

  • Share: Opens a menu to save, email, text, etc. the image
  • Edit Image Navigates to the edit image view, where the image's details and tags can be edited

Image Upload

Tapping "Add Images" from the gallery will navigate to the image upload view. Here you can select or take photographs to upload to the system.

Once your image(s) are selected, you can edit the caption per-image as well as select a customer to upload the images under. If the "Uncompressed" switch is checked, the images will be marked to skip being compressed by Adminmatic. This is useful for images you're planning to use for something like a portfolio in the future. If you want to remove an image from the pending list, you can tap "Tap to Remove." If you want to add additional images, tap the "Add Image(s)" button to bring the image selection view back up.

When you're ready to submit, tap "Submit" to upload the images.

Adminmatic image upload


The equipment list view contains a list of all active pieces of equipment in your system. Equipment can be filtered by name, type, or crew by typing into the search bar at the top of the view. The equipment list's sorting can also be changed between crew, type, and status using the tabs underneath the search bar. Pulling down on the list will also refresh the equipment.

Swiping a piece of equipment (or tapping the menu dots on Android) will allow you to deactivate it, and tapping a piece of equipment will navigate to its equipment detail view.

At the bottom of the view, you can tap the "Add Equipment" button to add a new piece of equipment to your system, and the "Edit Fields" button will bring up a view allowing you to add and edit the values used for equipment categories, fuel types, engine types, and inspection questions.

Equipment Fields

The equipment fields view displays a list of all the equipment field values, split up into four categories accessible via the tabs at the top.

  • Type: Equipment categories (ex. leaf blower, truck, mower, etc.)
  • Fuel: (ex. diesel, straight gas, electric, etc.)
  • Engine: Engine types
  • Inspection: Determines the list of questions asked on an inspection-type equipment service

A field can be deleted by swiping its cell (or tapping the menu dots on Android). To add a new field, tap the "Add New Field" button with the category tab you want to add the field to selected.


The equipment view contains detailed information about a piece of equipment and contains a list of services attributed to the equipment.

Tapping the equipment's photo will take you to its image detail view. You can tap the status icon to change the equipment's status. The "View Equipment Details" button displays a more detailed list of the equipment's specifications. If the equipment has a vendor listed, you can also tap it here to navigate to the vendor.

Typing the equipment's current total mileage or hours of use (depending on the equipment type) and tapping the "Check" button will check and inform you if any of the equipment's scheduled services are due.

Beneath the service check is a list of scheduled services on the equipment. You can view previously completely services by tapping the "History" tab. A service's detail view can be accessed by tapping it, and new services can be added to the equipment via the "Add Service" button at the bottom of the view.

Adminmatic equipment view


The equipment service detail view varies depending on what type of service is being viewed. One time services and date/mileage/hour based services will contain the service's details, instructions, current value and (if applicable) next value, completion notes, and status selector.

Completion notes can manually be entered as the service is worked on, and the status can be changed by tapping the status icon either at the top or the bottom of the view. The service can be edited via the "Edit" button in the top right of the view, however for typical employee use the service will only be interfaced with by changing status and adding completion notes.

For inspection-type services, a list of questions pulled from the "Inspection" section on the equipment fields view will be displayed. Each item can be marked as good, bad, or not applicable, and any relevant notes can be added in the text box at the bottom of the view. Tap "Submit" to submit the inspection results. If any questions were marked as "bad," you will also be prompted to set the equipment's status to "Needs Service" upon submitting.

Inspection Type Other Type
Adminmatic equipment inspection service Adminmatic equipment service

My Schedule

The My Schedule view is the primary section of the app your employees will be using out on the field. My Schedule displays a list of the jobs the logged in employee has scheduled for the day, based on the planned dates set on the work order, lead, or equipment service. To access My Schedule, tap the "My Schedule" button in the top bar on the Adminmatic app's home page. The schedule via for another employee can also be accessed by tapping the "Schedule" button on his or her employee view.

Adminmatic My Schedule view

At the top, the date or date range can be selected:

  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • This Week
  • Next Week

The view defaults to "Today" and in most cases, this is what your employees will be using.

Each entry in the list can be tapped to view its corresponding work order, lead, or equipment service view where usage can be added and status can be changed. Once a schedule entry is marked as finished, it will no longer be displayed in the view. In case you need to change something on a finished entry or just want to see your full list for the day, you can toggle the "Show Completed Work" switch to display all scheduled work regardless of status. In this screenshot, the first task for the day has been completed and numbers 2, 3, and 4 remain.

At the bottom of the view, there are buttons to view your crews for the day and a button to navigate to the "Add Payroll" view. The map button in the bottom right corner will display a map with pins showing the locations for all of your work for the day.